My DVD is for sale on Createspace now, and very soon on (March 29th note – it’s now at Amazon!). It’s my first 18 cooking videos from YouTube and my website. The list is here.

It will be better for you to read my cook book while watching the DVD.


  1. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

    Thank you very much! Now you can cook your favorite Korean food! Yayee!

  2. Thewobblers& has 1 comment

    love your website, printed your books! Love food! Adore food! have great passion for food! never leart how to cook from my mom!(unfortunately) left home in a early age-barely know how to speak the languages now, but your website made me feel home again… 감사합니다!!

  3. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

    Thank you, let me know if you have questions while cooking some of the recipes that I have posted.

    Thanks a lot! : )

  4. Sylvia joined 9/08 & has 78 comments

    I just ordered both your dvd and book from Amazon.
    I can’t wait to get them.

  5. I found your video on youtube just yesterday, love love love them! I am a big fan of Korean food and now I can try cooking some of the dishes myself. Gomapsumnida.

  6. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

    Yayee! Making bulgogi tomorrow. Update me!

  7. i’m going to make bulgogi tomorrow!

    and i LOVE your videos. you do a fantastic job.

  8. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

    Oh, you found my recipes from podcast! Thank you! I feel very supported by your comment!

  9. I love your videos! I actually subscribe to your podcast on iTunes but I will purchase the DVD also just because I’d like to give something back to you. Someday I hope to flip a Pajeon as well as you do! Keep up the great work… we’ll keep watching.

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