I looked at a few recipes online, including yours, and sort of mixed them together to make my own recipe. Juk seems extremely easy to make anyways :)

I soaked ½ cup – 1 cup of Japanese sushi rice in water for 3 hours.
Meanwhile, I boiled two bone-in chicken breasts in 6 cups of water with a whole bulb of garlic cloves (probably around 10-15 cloves) and some black peppercorns until the stock reduced and the chicken looked well-cooked. (Probably around 40-50 minutes)
Separated the stock and set aside while I shredded the chicken.
I put 4 cups of stock, 5 cloves of garlic, around a cup of chicken (I eyeballed it and saved the rest of the chicken for later), a teaspoon or tablespoon of salt, and the soaked rice back on the stove and cooked at medium-high heat for about 25 minutes and then simmered for 5-10 extra minutes until the rice completely thickened.

It was so delicious!

– Kady
The recipe is here.


  1. JamieF New Zealand joined 1/11 & has 120 comments

    Beautiful presentation! It looks so appetizing.

  2. Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

    You modified the recipe to your taste! It looks fantastic! I love the presentation, too!

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