Recipe for korean lemon tea

Home Forums Recipe requests Recipe for korean lemon tea

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    • #64940

      I drank a korean lemon tea for the first time in a korean restaurant. It was sooooo delicious and I really want to make my own korean lemon tea but I can’t find any recipes. There were little lemon pieces in it and it was so sweet and delicious.

    • #64952

      Do you mean Yujacha 유자차 ?

      If so you can buy the pre made syrup or make you own with honey, sugar and lemons. The traditional one uses a fruit very similar to lemons called Yuzu or Yuja.

    • #64975

      I’m thinking the same thing as EvilGrin! :)

    • #64992

      As far as I know, it takes a month to make Korean lemon tea. Don’t know anything about 유자차.
      I would like to know how to make it, because I can’t buy it in the store since pre made 유자차 has honey as one of the ingredients.

    • #65132

      You can make the syrup base with lemons and honey. Some recipes vary by adding some sugar and or water to the mix.

      The basics are:
      Clean the whole lemons. You can blanch them in boiling water according to some versions.

      Slice the lemons 2mm thick and remove the seeds.

      Pack the lemons in a clean jar and cover with honey. Let the mixture set for atleast 2 weeks in a cool dark place.

    • #65384

      Thank you all so much for your help, I’ll look in the korean store for the syrup and try to make some my self later :D thank you all so much again :D

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