Re: buldak recipe?

Home Forums Recipe requests buldak recipe? Re: buldak recipe?


Korean prison doesn’t have buldak, but I did get to eat this before I was incarcerated. Since arriving in NYC, I’ve been trying to recreate my buldak eating experience. There is surprisingly little information online–in English anyway.

I’ve had “buldak” in a couple of the pubs on 32nd street (New York, New York). Their version of the spicy chicken treat tasted like nothing but baked chicken with a gochuchan/brown sugar mix. On the other hand, the Seoul kind of buldak has some special cooking process to the chicken itself. It looked to me like the bird was cooked in a pressure cooker, then cubed, covered in the fire sauce, and finally seared on a very hot grill. The buldak cooking process I saw would be very difficult to replicate in anyplace except a professional kitchen.