Re: We, South American people, are screwed!!

Home Forums Introduce yourself We, South American people, are screwed!! Re: We, South American people, are screwed!!


Well, I am from Brazil and I can help you. Our continent is an economic bloc called Mercosul.

In other words: products with low (or no) taxes! Yoohoo x)

Ok, you may ask right now: Que puedo hacer ahora? Ele habló, habló, habló, pero no dijo nada! :O

So, to amenize my overwriting, I can tell you that the city of São Paulo has a lot of Korean immigrants and markets. In this way, you can find a lot of internet websites that sell asian products! Yeah that’s right! o/

The best one is this here:

It is in portuguese. But I think that, with the mercosul easyness, you can buy this products with low (or no) taxes.

Perdona me por escrever en ingles, hago esto porque tiene personas que pueden no hablar portugues ni español…

Espero que te he ayudado! Besos!