how to make ddukbokkie rice cake from scratch

Home Forums Recipe requests how to make ddukbokkie rice cake from scratch

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    • #48742

      hi, do u know how to make the fresh rice cake for ddukbokkie?

    • #51879

      I’d like to know too so if someone knows how, please reply!

    • #51880


      I have been passing by Your website many times and I am so happy that I found your website..thanks for all the recipies ..

      I registered today only to give you this to make dduk from scratch..

      However, I only have the Korean version of it now. I asked a friend of mine to translate it.. i will post it in short.

      anyway, i figured Maanchi You are korean and could be in use of this recipe…

      # 초간단 떡 만드는 방법

      1. 찹쌀가루와 사이다(Korean cider…like sprite)를 1:1로 넣고 소금을 약간 넣어 약 1분간 섞어 줍니다

      2. 반죽에 랩(wrap)을 씌운뒤 이쑤시개로 랩에 구멍을 뽕뽕 뚫어줍니다(안그러면 터질 수도 있답니다.)

      3. 전자레인지(Microwave)에 넣고 3-4분간 돌려주면 떡반죽이 완성됩니다

      4. 랩을 열고 손에 (혹은 1회용 비닐장갑을 착용하고) 약간의 참기름을 묻혀 원하는 모양으로 만든 뒤 각종 고물을 묻혀 드시면 됩니다

      # 반죽에 인스탄트 커피가루를 넣으면 커피맛떡, 사이다 대신 파인애플쥬스를 넣으면 파인애플맛 떡이 됩니다.

    • #51881

      Hi all, this is a english translation of it.

      Maangchi, do u think that it is suitable to use as dduk in duuk bok ki?

      # How to make Super Simple ricecake!!

      1. Put grinded sticky rice and sweet soda (like Sprite) together into a bowl and stir them about 1 minute. Add a little salt.

      2. After wrapping the dough, make several holes with toothpick. (otherwise, it would explode)

      3. Put it into a microwave and operate it for 3~4 min. The dough would be completed.

      4. Remove the wrap, put some sesame oil on your hands (or using disposable gloves), make a shape into a small piece, or as u want, and cover the rice cake with soybean crumbles.

    • #51882

      so…could you use this for making spicy rice cake?

      (sorry if that sounds like a stupid question…)


    • #51883

      Check out the recipe from this site (includes pictures and video to make sure you’re doing it right):

    • #51884

      I just uploaded the recipe for Garaeddeok! You can make ddeokbokki and ddeokguk (rice cake soup) with your own homemade rice cake now.

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