Menu to please?

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    • #49877

      I want to know a Korean menu that will impress older people (for a formal meal setting).Also one that will appeal to the younger generation. Finding ingredients isn’t a problem as their are Korean and other Asian stores nearby.

      ^_^ Thank you

    • #54377

      are these people korean?

      i think it ‘d be great to do Korean BBQ (with bulgogi, dwejibulgogi and/or just unmarinated meats) with a bunch of banchan (side dishes) and like a tofu stew.

      if they are korean, i feel like there would need to be a little more refinement on your menu choice. korean bbq might not be a good choice.

    • #54378

      Thank you~. Yes, they are Korean, so I was planning on a more authentic menu. hehe

    • #54379

      oh ok this changes things drastically:


      one of the ‘easiest’ ways to impress people is the amount of banchan you make AND specifically which ones you make. banchan that costs more and takes a lot of preparation is always major props. on top of that, knowing how to properly serve each of the banchan.

      such as:

      장조림, 전 (여러가지), specific 김치 like 포기 and 깍뚜기 (no reason not to have two types), 파산적, etc.

      i could go on forever. mix it in with the more normal banchan as well. make sure you have a wide arrange of color; in korean food presentation color is an important factor. trust me if the women say “넘 이쁘다!!!!!” its a good thing :D


      don’t serve just plain white rice. make 자곡밥. part of being a host/hostess isn’t only making sure that their tongues are satisfied but that you’re making an effort to show that you care about their health. adding a healthier rice definitely helps.


      generally, if you have main dish like a big fish or 길비찜 you want a lighter soup like

      콩나물무국, or 미역국 and if you don’t have such a strong main dish then make the soup bigger. like 갈비우거지국, 유게장, 매운탕 etc.


      have a bunch of fruit (apples, asian pears, persimmons) and coffee.

      although this isn’t a specific menu it is a genearl guideline.

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