Re: Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern – Korean edition

Home Forums Korean food discussion Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern – Korean edition Re: Bizarre Foods With Andrew Zimmern – Korean edition


Soko2usa said: I think he’s doing less of jading people against the more exotic ethnic foods and more showcasing it and showing also that there’s nothing wrong with it and that a person should keep an open mind.

If that were true, then why did he say within the opening 25 seconds that Korean food is ‘stinky, foul, fermented, horrifying, scary, and “a freakshow in a bowl.” This does not encourage open mindedness. In fact, it will further perpetuate that Korean food is full of weird foods that no one in the West would want to taste (unless you are an egotistical American male).

I find his words offensive. Sure, there’s food that people in the Western world are going to find weird, however, there are a lot of foods in Korea that are delicious and habit forming and, personally speaking, I will look towards Maangchi for my inspiration, NOT Andrew Zimmern.