Kimchi becomes watery and not salty after 1 day of fermentation

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    • #99005

      Hi All,

      I’ve made radish kimchi and Pa kimchi a couple of times however, I tried to make cabbage kimchi this time. I salted each leaf and chopped some up as well and squeezed out the water after 2-2.5 hours.

      I made my paste and put it all over and then added chunks of radish.

      In the recipes, it does not say to salt the radish but I know radish has lots of water content.

      I prefer squares of radish over matchsticks in the recipe.

      The next day I notice there is lots of liquid and when I tasted a leaf it was very bland.

      How would you fix the watery-bland kimchi?

      I had leftover paste so I added more anchovy sauce and took out my old kimchi, poured some juice out and squeezed some out of the leaves, and repasted it.

      Is the part I went wrong that I should have done:

      1) salt cabbage more and be more diligent about removing water
      2) salt my radish next time to remove some of the moisture
      3) add more fish sauce/ anchovy sauce to my paste

      or all of the above?

      I enjoy making different types of kimchi and sorry if this has been asked a million times before!

      Thank you for any feedback.

    • #99291

      Well, the way I usually do it is to adjust the saltiness and add more garlic, chili flakes, and fish sauce to make it more flavorful. Sometimes adding a bit of sugar or rice syrup to balance out the salty flavor can help too. But ultimately, it’s all about personal preference so just mess around with the ingredients until you find something you like!

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