Today I’m going to introduce you to a very simple 2-ingredients and 3 minute cooking honeycomb toffee cookie (3 ingredients if you include the optional nuts) called dalgona in Korean. If you’re in the mood for something sweet this is something you can whip up quickly. In the video I make mine over a campfire, but it’s actually easier to make this at home over the stove where you can easily control the heat. The trick to this candy is not to cook it too fast, or the cookie will be bitter. You need a bit of patience to go a little slowly.

Years ago I showed you how to make a similar candy called ppopgi. The only real difference between the 2 is that ppopgi is pressed down and a shape is imprinted into the candy, and there is no nuts. Ppopgi actually means “break it up” because kids are supposed to play a game and try to break off the edges of the cookie without breaking the imprinted shape in the middle (as seen in the Netflix show Squid Game). If they succeed, the ppopgi vendor will give them a free ppopgi!

The recipe is simple but be sure to follow the exact ratio for success, and have patience when cooking.

Have fun and enjoy the recipe!


Makes 1 cookie

  • 2 tablespoons white sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • 7 to 8 nuts (almonds, cashew, pistachios, or peanuts), optional


  1. If you use nuts, place several on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, in a circle about 2 inches diameter
  2. Put the sugar in a stainless steel ladle (or small pan) over low heat. When the sugar starts melting, stir it with a long-handled stainless or wooden spoon so it melts evenly and doesn’t burn. Control the heat by lifting the ladle far from the heat or bringing it closer, as needed.
  3. Stir the melting sugar until it turns into a smooth, clear liquid with no lumps.
  4. Add baking soda and continue stirring. It will expand and change from light brown to creamy golden beige and then it will expand three times in size.dalgona candy
  5. Quickly drop the hot candy on top of the nuts. Let it cool down for about 10 minutes.dalgona
  6. Serve right away.dalgona with nuts

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  1. ebmh74 Brighton, UK joined 10/21 & has 1 comment

    Following to see the answer about kokuto!!

  2. MercyP VA joined 10/21 & has 2 comments

    Thank you for this! I hadn’t remembered what this candy was called, so I couldn’t search for it.

    Do you know if I can make it with kokuto (unprocessed Japanese brown sugar)?

    I will make these with black walnuts from our trees.

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