This is my first attempt to make the same recipe with 2 videos in English and Korean. Yaho! : )
I can’t wait to share this delicious sweet and chewy rice cake with my readers and my fellow Koreans.

Chapssaltteok used to be called “mochi” among Koreans, but these days everybody calls this particular kind of rice cake “chapssaltteok.” The word mochi is a Japanese word that simply means “rice cake.”

Making chapssaltteok with a microwave oven must have been invented by someone in the States a long time ago. When I came to the USA about 20 years ago, many Korean housewives here were already making homemade chapssalddeok with a microwave oven. It was delicious but I always felt like something was missing. Yes! It was the lack of chewiness!

One day I found out how to solve this problem by pounding the cooked rice cake dough when it came out of the microwave. Voila! It worked perfectly! I was almost crying from happiness. Maybe I’m not the first person to use this method, but I want to share this quick and easy way with as many people as possible, including Koreans who don’t understand English.

The only difference between the English and Korean recipes is the color. The English version is pink chapssaltteok, created with a small dot of red food coloring. The Korean version is green, created with 1 ts of green tea powder. You can make 3 different colors: White (no coloring at all), pink (with red food coloring), and green (with green tea powder).

Put the chapssaltteok in a small box (4½ x 4 ½ inches: 11.5 x 11.5 cm) and give it to a someone special! The person who gets your rice cake made with your love will be instantly impressed!

Enjoy the recipe!

Pink Chapssaltteok


For sweet red bean filling:

red beans, sugar, kosher salt, rice syrup, vanilla extract.

For rice cake:

sweet rice flour, sugar, kosher salt, red food coloring, starch powder.


Cooking time: 2 hours.

Make sweet red bean filling:

  1. Wash and drain 1 cup of dried red beans (azuki beans) and place them in a thick bottomed pot.
  2. Add 3 cups of water and bring to a boil over medium high heat for 10 minutes with the lid closed.
  3. Lower the heat and simmer for about 1½ hours.
    If the beans haven’t softened after 1½ hours, add more water and cook over low heat until they are soft and can be well mashed.
  4. Mash the beans with a wooden spoon (or food processor) until smooth.
  5. Put the beans back into the pot and add  ¾ cup brown sugar, ¼ ts kosher salt, 1 ts vanilla extract, and 2-3 tbs rice or corn syrup.
  6. Stir with a wooden spoon over low heat until the sugar is dissolved and the paste looks a little shiny.
  7. Divide the paste into 2 even halves. Keep one half of the paste in the fridge or freezer for future use.
  8. Divide the remaining paste into 8 equal pieces and roll each piece into a ball. Set them aside.

Make rice cake with a microwave oven

  1. Place 1 cup of sweet rice flour (Mochiko powder), ¼ ts kosher salt, 1 tbs sugar in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. In a bowl add a drop of pink food coloring to ¾ cup water and mix well.
  3. Add the pink water to the rice flour mixture and mix it well with a spoon. Push the dough to the center of the bowl.
  4. Cover the dough with Saran wrap and cook on high for 3 minutes in the microwave.
  5. Remove the rice cake from the microwave and mix it with a wooden spoon for about 20 seconds.
  6. Cover it with the Saran wrap again and put it back in the microwave for another minute.
  7. Knead the hot rice cake with a wooden spoon vigorously in a circular motion about 100 times to make it chewy.
  8. Spread ¼ cup of starch powder on your cutting board and put the rice cake on it.
  9. Shape into a smooth 4×5 inch rectangle (10 cm x 12 cm) with wet hands and turn it over.
  10. Cut the rectangle into 8 even sized pieces with a wooden knife or spatula, and cover with Saran wrap to keep them from getting dried out.
  11. Take one piece of rice cake and flatten it into a round circle about 2½ inch (6.5 cm) in diameter.
  12. Add a sweet red bean ball to the middle of the piece of rice cake. Pull the rice cake over the ball and seal it by pinching the edges with your fingers.
    *tip: Use starch powder to keep the rice cake from sticking to your fingers.
  13. Repeat this until you’ve made 8 pieces of chapssaltteok.

Q and A

Q: Maangchi, the number of the sweet red bean pieces is 16 in your sweet red bean paste recipe and I can make only 8 rice cakes. What shall I do with the leftover sweet bean paste?

A: Make another batch of 8 chapssaltteok! Or Make green chapssaltteok with green tea powder! (Korean version). Only difference is to mixing ¾ cup water with 1 ts green tea powder instead of pink food coloring. Or keep the leftover in the fridge or freeze. You can keep it in the fridge up to 1 week.

녹차 찹쌀떡 (Green tea chapssaltteok)

안녕하세요, 처음으로 한국어 영어 비디오 조리법을 두개의 비디오를 통해 올립니다. 이 달콤하고 맛있는 찹쌀떡 조리법을 한국인들에게도 알려드리고싶어서 한국어로 비디오를 올릴 생각을 하게 되었어요. 이 두비디오 차이점은 오직 한가지, 색깔이예요. 영어버전은 분홍색 찹쌀떡으로 식용색소를 이용했고 한국어버전은 녹차가루를 이용하여 예쁜 녹색 찹쌀떡을 만들었어요.

전자렌지를 이용하여 찹쌀떡 (옛날에는 모찌로 불렀음)을 만드는 방법은 아주 오래전부터 이곳 미국에서 한국인 이민자들 사이에 알려진 방법이예요. 제가 미국에 약 20년전에 처음 왔을때 처음으로 전자렌지이용한 찹쌀떡을 먹어봤거든요? 그런데 한가지 아쉬운점은 쫄깃거리지 않는다는 점이었어요. 어느날 전자렌지에서 꺼낸 떡을 작은 절구에 넣고 쳐보았더니 너무 너무 쫄깃하게 변하는것있죠? 너무 흥분되어 거의 눈물이 나올정도! : ) 그 이후로 인절미도 만들고 이렇게 찹쌀떡을 만들고 있어요.

단팥만 만들어두면 언제든지 맛있는 찹쌀떡을 10분 이내로 만들수 있어요. 그리고 작은 상자에 넣어서 선물도 한번 해보세요. 정성이 가득한 찹쌀떡을 받으시는 분들 얼마나 행복할까요!


, 황설탕, 물엿 (또는 쌀엿), 소금, 바닐라액, 물, 찹쌀가루, 녹차가루, 전분가루


총소요시간: 약 2시간

팥소만들기: (1시간 30분)

  1. 팥 1컵을 씻어서 물기 빼고 바닥이 두꺼운 냄비에 넣고 10분 끓인다.
  2. 불을 최대한 약불로 줄이고 약 1시간 20-30분동안 뜸들이듯이 끓인다.
    * 팥이 쉽게 주걱으로 으깨질정도로 삶어져야하는데  만약 더 삶아야한다면 물을 조금 더 넣고 계속 뜸들이듯이 끓이면 됨.
  3. 황설탕 ¾컵, 바닐라액 1티스푼, 소금 ¼ 티스푼, 물엿 또는 쌀엿  2-3 테이블스푼을 넣고 약불에서 설탕이 모두 녹을때까지 저어준다.
  4. 다만들어진 팥소를 반으로 나누고 나누어진 반은 다시 8개로 균등하게 분할하여 양손으로 둥글려서 공모양으로 만들어둔다. 나머지 반은 냉장고에 보관하거나 냉동실에 보관한다.


  1. 전자렌지 사용가능한 그릇에 찹쌀가루 1컵, 설탕 1테이블스푼, 소금 ¼ 티스푼을 넣고 물 ¾ 컵에 녹차가루 1 티스푼을 잘 섞어서 찹쌀가루와 함께 밥주걱으로 잘 섞어준다.
  2. 플라스틱 랩으로 약간 틈을 두고 덮는다. 전자렌지에 3분간 조리한뒤 꺼내어 밥주걱으로 골고루 약 20초동안 섞는다.
  3. 다시 플라스틱랩을 덮고 전자렌지에 넣고 1분 조리한후 꺼내어서 밥주걱으로 약 100번정도 원을그리듯이 치댄다.
  4. 쫄깃하게 변형된 떡을 전분이 뿌려진 도마에 옮긴후 양손에 물을 발라 떡모양을 약 10x 12 cm 크기의 사각형으로 잡아준다.
  5. 나무칼로 8등분한후 랩으로 덮어두고 한개씩 꺼내어 찹쌀떡을 만든다.
    떡조각을 손으로 평평하게 한다음 만들어둔 팥소를 넣고 잘 아무린다.

질문! 조리법에 팥소는 16개인데 떡은 8개?


1. 찹쌀가루 1 컵으로 8개 더 만들면 됨. 분홍색 찹쌀떡 만들어보세요 (영어버전) : )
2. 아니면 남은 8개 용량 팥소를 냉장고나 냉동실에 보관하고 필요할때 꺼내어 쓰세요!

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  1. Christine Su Malaysia joined 5/13 & has 4 comments

    Hi Maangchi! I will try this recipe as soon as possible :D but the problem is I can’t find any rice syrup in Malaysia , so can I do this recipe without rice syrup?

  2. amypie123 US joined 5/13 & has 1 comment

    This recipe looks wonderful :) do you think it would be ok to just serve it as rectangles without the red bean filling?

  3. Vo Virginia joined 2/13 & has 4 comments

    Hi Maangchi,
    Can i use cornstarch instead of potato starch ???

  4. trishanarusekawa Manila, Philippines joined 2/13 & has 1 comment

    Good day Maangchi!
    First of all, I am a big fan of yours. My fiance is a Korean and with the help of your website I am able to prepare healthy and delicious foods for him. However, I am in big trouble now. My group decided to make chapssalddeok for our entrepreneurial class (I am a business student)… we followed the procedures you posted but it turned out not to taste perfectly good. Our deadline will be after 48 hours. :(

    We used glutinous rice flour instead of mochi powder.. but it has a bitter after taste.
    Can you give us some advice on how we can remove the bitter after taste on our dough?
    *we made the bean so delicious, so we are very thankful to you Maangchi..

    We are begging you to help us with our dough.
    I have been trying for 6 hours now but I still have the same result. I wanna cry. ㅠㅠ

  5. pkim United States joined 12/12 & has 2 comments

    I just posted about the sweet rice recipe…I forgot to mention that the finished product is similar to mochi. Sometimes I use mochi to make the “chukduk” pancakes when I have not had time to make from scratch with the sweet rice recipe as it takes quite a bit of time to steam and do all the work with the grinder which I do using the Kitchen Aid attachment to my big mixer…saves a lot of arm work because when I was a kid we used to do by hand..

  6. pkim United States joined 12/12 & has 2 comments

    Hi Maangchi,
    Thanks for this website and recipes. I have an old family recipe that we call “chukduk” (but I think our spelling and pronunciation is probably wrong!!) where we steam and cook sweet rice, then we run it through a meat grinder two times and it becomes sort of gooey and we pat it down flat and cool it in a 9×13 cake pan. Then it can be cut into little pieces and rolled in a crushed lima bean mixture and then dipped in honey and eaten or the way we really like it is to fry it in some butter like a flat pancake that is golden and slightly crispy….do you know the correct name and spelling and hangul for this recipe?? Thanks very much.

  7. Rozalina Metter, GA. USA joined 7/12 & has 1 comment

    Hi maangchi. I have tried many of your recipes and I liked them. This one does not want to cooperate though :( The bean paste is not solid enough. I am going to try to add more beans, I am currently making this as I type so wish me luck.

  8. babyvenus21 Singapore joined 6/12 & has 1 comment

    Hey Maangchi,
    I was just wondering what are the alternatives to heat the rice balls if I do not have a microwave at home?

  9. star_11 Rome joined 5/12 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi,

    First of all, i super like your website, i like you and i love korean foods ^_^

    can u help me? please..^_^

    can i use white rice flour instead of sweet rice flour?
    do sweet rice flour and glutenous rice flour are the same?

    thank you ^_^

  10. fluffycakes The Netherlands joined 4/12 & has 3 comments

    I just got home from the local Asian store, and I have bought all the ingredients I need. I’m going to make this tonight. I will upload the pictures (if I succeeded, ha ha) tonight or tomorrow. I can’t wait to make this!

  11. AdventurousChef24 New York joined 3/12 & has 2 comments

    Hi Maangchi! First of all, I love your site. Not only are the recipes easy to follow, but you also have a wonderful personality and the ability to show people that cooking can be fun.

    I tried making this recipe today and had kind of a hard time. At the beginning, the batter seemed too runny, so I added more sweet rice flour, but then it seemed like it dried out too much when I cooked it in the microwave for 3 minutes, so I added a touch more water and cooked it for 1 more minute, as per your instructions. Anyhow, although I had some trouble, the end result was pretty good.

    Also, how should the rice balls be stored? Since they have the red bean filling (homemade of course!), should they be kept refrigerated?

    Thanks for posting such wonderful recipes. I can’t wait to try some of your other ones :-D.

  12. Cselestyna canada joined 2/10 & has 8 comments

    Oh Maangchi! i tried to make these tonight and i failed miserably! it all tasted YUMMY but i must have done something wrong somewhere because my sweet rice flour “dough” wasn’t at all beautifully stretchy like yours! Of course i tried halving the recipe because i wasn’t sure i had enough paste ( i bought mine… I know i cheated! :O ) Should i have halved the microwaving time as well? because i didn’t :/ it tasted great it just didn’t stretch so my mochi kind of ended up looking like patchwork gremlins :D also i didn’t have red food coloring so i used blue.

  13. oliviajasonkim Madison, Wisconsin joined 2/12 & has 2 comments

    These look great and tasty. I think my kids will definitly love them.
    Thank you! Olivia Kim

  14. chef Benedict Manila, Philippines joined 11/11 & has 45 comments

    i just love eating this with ice cream filling inside… chapssaldeok ice cream! strawberry flavor i just tried after the group exercise workout at the gym… trying one piece…

  15. stefafra Norwich UK joined 2/12 & has 3 comments

    I made this but filled the dumplings with chestnut jam, as I had a pot that needed to be used and I was too lazy to make red bean paste.

    Only problem is that the chestnut paste I have is much softer than red bean paste, no way to make a ball with it, so I had to pull the mochi dough on the filling, and the little dumpling ended up more like eggs than like balls. That took a bit of trial and error fidgeting…
    I “had” to eat the 2 most misshapen ones on the spot, poor things ;-)

    But anyway, they were very yummy indeed.
    And very fast too make, once I got the hand of flattening the very elastic dough.

  16. amikurotsuchi jakarta joined 9/10 & has 5 comments

    Hi Maangchi!

    There are lots of stores which sell this in Jakarta, where I live.
    But it is always nice to have it homemade. I just want to let you know that I also make it with chunky Skippy peanut butter filling because my 6 y.o daughter, Amiko, she hates red bean.

    I have to tell you.. the taste is ooooohh..yummm!
    Because Skippy is salty so it balances the flavor of the sweet glutinous rice flour dough.
    One more thing, as much as I love the red bean paste..I save LOTS of time doing it with Chunky Skippy filling ;p
    It’s like whenever she shouted from her room upstairs and I’m doing the chores downstairs, “Mimi… can I have mochi for the tea party this afternoon with my Pokemon?”
    “Yes Hon!”
    “Can I have it yellow like Pikachu?”
    “Okayyy!” and zap..this delicious treat is done in no time:D

    Anyhow..Love you a lot!
    I wish you great success ahead. Fighting!

  17. chef Benedict Manila, Philippines joined 11/11 & has 45 comments

    i remember this thing… i love this! i ate this when i flew korean air to US it was 2002 the last time it was long time ago and i was young it was a good taste…

  18. singingbelly Indonesia joined 11/11 & has 5 comments

    Hi Maangchi, I’ve tried this and replaced the sweet rice flour with glutinous rice flour. I also steamed the dough instead of microwaved it. The results are :
    1. The dough turns out differently, mine is more dilute. According to the video, the dough should turns out solid-like. Mine is veeeery sticky and it became hard to handle.. LOL
    I ended up adding 1/4 cup more of the glutinous rice flour.
    2. After that, I steamed the dough for about 10 minutes. Remember to wrap the cover of the steamer with a piece of cloth so that the steam won’t drop in to the dough.
    3. The results is edible, but I still think it isn’t perfect yet :D
    I’m looking forward to try this recipes again, with glutinous rice flour and steamed-version until I get it right and perfect like yours :D
    Thanks for sharing the recipe ~ <3

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      I think you can invent your own method of making good chapssalddeok by steaming soon! When it turns out successful, please post the recipe on the forum so that I can link to it if people are asking me about it. Thank you so much for your feedback!

      BTW, glutinous rice flour is sweet rice flour.

      • singingbelly Indonesia joined 11/11 & has 5 comments

        I definitely will! I already added the cheesecake recipes there.. LOL my english is lame so it took me an hour to translate the recipes.. XD
        I already read about the similarity of sweet rice flour and glutinous rice flour in your previous recipes.. that’s why it’s kinda odd that the dough turns out differently after I added the water.. Hmmmm.. I definitely will try this next time and update it to you!

        I’m currently freezing a few of my chapssalddeok to see, how good I can keep it frozen :D
        Btw, I love seeing you speaking Korean, and I love the color of your outfit <3

        • Mal23 Auckland, New Zealand joined 2/12 & has 5 comments

          What Maangchi says its true that sweet rice flour is glutinous flour. I have had the same experience as you when making the dough. I have tried different brands of flour and they turn out differently, must be something to do with the grade or grind of the flour. If yours is to liquid just add more flour till it’s like maangchi’s video/photo. That seems to work for me. Have a go and see what happens! Good luck.

  19. kcinamint Aix-en-Provence, France joined 11/11 & has 2 comments

    Hi Maangchi! I am a Korean-American studying abroad in France where asian food is often rare and expensive. Thank you for the delicious and simples recipes that have saved me many times!! Love!!
    This mochi recipe was soo good and easy, even though I freaked out when the dough looked very soupy (maybe because I didn’t use Mochiko brand?) but when I microwaved it the consistency and texture came out to be very similar to yours! Phew~
    Happy Valentine’s Day! : )

  20. belovedkang Burlington, Vermont joined 2/12 & has 2 comments

    Maangchi~thank you so much for this recipe! I made pink chapssalddeok for my husband for Valentine’s Day. He looked impressed and said they were delicious. Thank you for all of your awesome recipes and videos. Big love to you!!

  21. anhvo Minnesota joined 10/11 & has 7 comments

    Maangchi !! I need help ! When I heated up the rice flour, it turns out to look exactly like yours and I also see the spots with white stuff, but when I heat it again for 1 minute, it have these hard spots inside it, and how can I remove it/improve it so the hard spot go away ? The same thing happens to me when I made Injeolmi :(

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      “.. hard spots inside it” I think the rice cake was overcooked. Remove the hard part and make rice cake. If you make it again later, cook it 30 seconds instead of 1 minute. Your microwave must be stronger than mine. Cheers!

  22. Jasper Philippines joined 5/11 & has 26 comments

    Hi Maangchi.. I have a suggestion about the “recipes” section. All the recipes are arranged by category (maindish, cold, spicy, etc.)… I think it would be nice if you could add another category wherein all the recipes will be listed in the order that you released them.. So, for example, the squid dish would be on top since that was your first ever recipe (or so I think?) and at the bottom would be your latest recipe (chapssalddeok). I think this is useful because sometimes,so that we can browse all of the recipes at once… haha.. this is only a suggestion. I hope you can think about it. And, sorry if I posted this under chapssaldeok recipe. I don’t know where else I can post it.

  23. iSnsd United States joined 2/12 & has 2 comments

    Is it okay if I use this rice flour instead: I don’t think Hmart has Mochiko :(

  24. Souavarat Houston, Texas joined 9/10 & has 45 comments

    Maangchi you look so cute! I am making some this weekend! It looks so yummy!

  25. Miezziej the Netherlands joined 2/12 & has 1 comment

    It looks so delicious!
    I really want to make some for my family ^^ I want to make them this weekend, but I will probably have to make them in the morning, but I won’t be able to eat them until the evening! How should I store them during the day? I heard they dry out really fast :( And since it’s only for one day, I’m not really sure what to do haha!

    I liked the Korean video too! Although I don’t speak Korean, I still think it’s a very beautiful language ^^

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      yes, keep them in a plastic container so that they won’t get dried. It will be ok for up to several hours. If you need to eat more than several hours after, keep them in the freezer and thaw out when you eat. Happy cooking!

  26. nausicca Copenhagen, Denmark joined 12/11 & has 2 comments

    Hi Maangchi,
    Love your new haircut and the Korean dress you wore, lovely :-)
    First time to hear you speak Korean, it’s more fun. And really interesting to find out what you chose to say in the Korean version :-p
    Thank you for the recipe. I loooooooove mochi.
    Looking forward to your new Korean video.

  27. dessie.garcia philippines joined 7/11 & has 1 comment

    Hi Maangchi! I am a great fan of your and I love your recipes. I have tried most of them and I have succeeded every single time. ^^ However, i do not have a microwave. Can I use a regular oven instead for this recipe? 감사합니다!~

  28. MariskaLim Jakarta, Indonesia joined 2/11 & has 55 comments

    :9~~ *drooling~*

    when i watched the korean version, i feel weird because we always hear you speak in english. :D But I Love it! You look very happy and enthusiastic. XD.

    Maangchi, I don’t have microwave, can i use steamer instead?

  29. nicky Singapore joined 2/12 & has 1 comment

    Hi, I would like to try out this delicious mochi but i do not have a microwave. What should I do? Thanks :)

  30. Heidela Seattle joined 2/12 & has 1 comment

    Maangchi, i can not believe you can make this in the microwave! I am so excited! I have made this the ” old fashioned ” way previously and it was great but now it will be wonderfully easy and great! You are the best I am a fan from your very first video!
    We have a large Korean community in the Puget Sound ….so I feel so fortunate to be able to partake in one of the worlds most lovely food, both at home where I prepare dishes (you have truly helped make many reachable!) and going out to eat!
    Thank you Maangchi! Cooking with you is most fun!

  31. Timmy joined 3/11 & has 2 comments

    Hello Maangchi, a few questions please:

    Wouldn’t the raw potato starch taste unpleasant?

    Can I steam the mochi instead?

    How long can I keep the mochi? Would it harden when it’s not refrigerated? And when it is refrigerated?

    Thank you very much.

    • Maangchi New York City joined 8/08 & has 12,045 comments

      Good questions!

      Wouldn’t the raw potato starch taste unpleasant?
      It is tasteless and flavorless.

      Can I steam the mochi instead?
      I don’t know about the result if you steam it. You may have to add a little bit more water. This recipe is for microwave use.

      How long can I keep the mochi? Would it harden when it’s not refrigerated? And when it is refrigerated?
      It will be ok at room temperature up to 3-5 hours. It will harden if you leave it out longer. You can freeze them and thaw out before eating. The texture and the taste are almost the same as freshly made rice cake.

  32. soko2usa Minnesota joined 4/09 & has 55 comments

    I’ve always wanted to hear you speak Korean in a video, ever since I heard you speak it for another video a long time ago. I was mesmerized even though I didn’t know what you were saying. Sometimes I thought I heard a word I recognized, but I was probably wrong. Still, loved it! Great new haircut too! Very stylish! You look a little more like your cartoon self.

    <3, Kerri

  33. jaylivg Houston joined 7/10 & has 107 comments

    Maangchi !!!! i love your new haircut !!! :D

    And yes i have everything in the pantry , i am going to give it a try this week !!!

  34. vb38 joined 7/10 & has 36 comments

    I just had to listen to the Korean video coz I wanted to hear u speak Korean, lots of it! U look great, as usual. Lovely Korean style apron.

  35. Souavarat Houston, Texas joined 9/10 & has 45 comments

    Looks so delicious! I will make some this weekend.

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