Re: Vegetarian doenjangjjigae

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I agree with all of the other users comments! I made a vegetarian doenjang jjigae the other day it it came out really good. I used five dried shiitake mushrooms in my recipe instead of the anchovy. I personally like the anchovy, but I was making it for someone who is vegetarian. Anyway, it came out great! Another thing that I did was I soaked the mushrooms in hot water for like 20 minutes to soften them and then I used that water in the stew to add more depth of flavor. Or alternately, if you wanted to, you could use 1 TBSP of soup soy sauce or light colored soy sauce, but keep in mind that the soy bean paste is salty itself, so don’t go overboard. Or if you are not vegetarian, but don’t want to chop up the anchovy or don’t have them, perhaps try a tablespoon of fish sauce instead. And lastly, look at the recipe for the soon dubu jjigae and follow Maangchi’s recipe for making the stock, minus the anchovy.