Located in the Mission Village on the corner of Fresno/Shaw across from the CA-41 exits.

This store has everything from hot pepper and soybean paste to squid and beef! So far there has never been an ingredient that I haven’t been able to find. It also carries a lot of different cooking utensils like strainers, rice cookers, and clay and stone pots.

It even has a video library of Korean dramas and music. The people that own/work there are very friendly and helpful and always give me good tips on the best ingredients to use for my dishes. It also has a lunch counter (I haven’t tried it yet) and they make their own kimchi that they sell pre–packaged.

This is the only Korean mart that I have been able to find in the Fresno area, but it is definitely a one stop shop! There is even a good Korean restaurant, Samos Kitchen, two doors down from it!

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